龙8long8,“经纬前沿”研讨会预告 细胞凋亡药物的研究与产业化进展
Professor John Silke,BA(Hons) Cantab LLB London PhD Zürich. Laboratory Head; Leader, Infection, Inflammation and Immunity Theme. ACADEMIC RECORD & QUALIFICATIONS:1989--LL.B. Bachelor of Law. Kings College, University of London. 1992--B.A. (Hons) Nat. Sci. Tripos (Cantab). Churchill College, University of Cambridge. 1997--Ph.D. Institut für Molekularbiologie II, University of Zürich. Research in my lab investigates proteins that can regulate both inflammation and cell death. We are revealing how these proteins contribute to inflammatory diseases including: psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, as well as cancer. Our goal is to translate our discoveries into new treatments for these scourges.
David Huang is a laboratory head at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia and Professor in the Department of Medical Biology, Melbourne University. He was trained medicine and in hematology. Professor Huang has led an independent research program since 2000 focusing on the molecular mechanisms that regulate cell death in mammalian cells, understanding how deregulation of this process can lead to diseases such as cancer, and how these can be targeted for improved therapies. His laboratory has made significant contributions to targeting the BCL2-regulated cell survival pathway for treating patients with cancers.
Shaomeng Wang,Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor in Medicine. Founder of Ascentage Pharma. Ph.D. Warner-Lambert/Parke-Davis Professor in Medicine. Professor of Internal Medicine, Pharmacology and Medicinal Chemistry. Director of Michigan Center for Therapeutic Innovation University of Michigan. Founder of Ascentage Pharma. Former Chief Editor of Journal of Medicial Chemistry.
陈佺,南开大学教授。2003年国家“杰出青年基金”获得者。中国生物物理学会常务理事,细胞生物学会,中国生化学会理事。1993年自中国科学院动物研究所博士毕业,之后赴英国Manchester大学和美国Cleveland Clinic Foundation的Lerner Research Institute从事细胞凋亡和癌症生物学方面的博士后研究。1999年获美国癌症研究会青年学者奖。获2005年度中国科学院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖。2000-2006年任生物膜与膜生物工程国家重点实验室主任。